Chapter 22.7 Scientific research on mindfulness related to school success Explanation of the effects of meditationDuration: 2:59 Read more?Here are some tips:Daniel J Siegel (2007). The Mindful Brain Reflection and Attunement in the Cultivation of Well-Being WW Norton & Co.Daniel J. Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson (2012). The Whole-Brain Child Randam House USA. What Mindfulness does in  your brain.Duration: 5:03 The altruism revolution Duration: 53:03 Documentary on scientific research on compassion and the effects of meditation. Click the green title. The altruism revolution  Dr. Kaushik Ram: “When our children leave school, thay are chronic thinkers.” Mindfulness helps.Duur: 1.57 The science behind Mindfulness meditationDuration: 6:35