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International Education Week Vives Brugge Belgium
Vives Xaverianenstraat 10, Brugge, BelgiumWorkshop leader.
Train de trainers Speel je wijs
Drama, playing combined with literacy.
Training Spelen in Stilte: Mindfulness in de klas
For teachers and other professionals who are interested in using mindfulness. www.speleninstilte.nl
Train de trainers Speel je wijs
Speel je wijs Flintenweg 5, Orvelte, Drenthe, NetherlandsDrama, playing combined with literacy
Congress ‘Rekenen op taal’
Volgens Bartjens, Meer Taal & Koninklijke Van Gorcum , NetherlandsWorkshopleader
Congress ‘Speel je mee? Onderwijs aan jonge kinderen’
Spant! A. Kuyperstraat 3, Bussum, NetherlandsWorkshop leader
Congress ‘Spelen is leren’
OGO Ontwikkelings Gericht Onderwijs , NetherlandsWorkshop leader
ITLA 2017 Play! Open your World!
Corpus Congress Center Willem Einthovenstraat 1, Oegstgeest, NetherlandsSpeaker at International Conference about play.
Train the trainer Opleiding Speel je mee in Li La Land
Speel je wijs Flintenweg 5, Orvelte, Drenthe, NetherlandsFor anyone who likes to get inspired or wants to learn more about STEAM education and puppetry for young children and also for who wants to become a workshop leader.