Speaker at China Toy Expo Shanghai – Launch book

Shanghai New International Expo Centre Shanghai, Shanghai, China

Let's play in Li La Land - STEAM and playful learning with young children, launch book translated in Mandarin

Workshop Leader Linyi

Linyi Linyi, Shandong, China

One day workshop in cooperation with Meekit.org

Workshop leader Congress Positive Education

De Reehorst Ede, Netherlands

(Self)compassion for children: kindness, connection and mindfulness. Together with Marjolein Prenger. (Zelf)compassie voor kinderen: vriendelijkheid, verbondenheid en mindfulness in samenwerking met Marjolein Prenger (Workshop E)

Summerschool Creativity Arts & Science in Education – Greece

Organisation and workshop leader. The CASE project puts forth a methodology that regards primary teachers as agents of change. It aims to empower their profession with skills and competencies which will enable them to widen their teaching capabilities by strengthening creativity in the classroom. The specific approach to creativity lies at the intersection of science […]

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