Final Conference Creativity Arts and Science in Education Norway
Speaker and workshop leader: Puppetry and science in education. More information will follow soon.
Speaker and workshop leader: Puppetry and science in education. More information will follow soon.
For professionals working with young children. Organised by 'De Kunstbweging' in Emmen.
For professionals working with young children. Organised by 'De Kunstbweging' in Emmen.
Workshop leader Mindful at School. More information and sign up at:
Voor iedereen die Li La Land trainer wil worden en inspiratie en verdieping voor wie zelf wil ervaren wat Li Land is. Informatie en inschrijving start eind december
For professionals working with children
One day training
Workshop Spelen in Stilte voor leerkrachten groep 1, 2 en 3.
Workshop over mindfulness met deze doelgroep.